Friday, November 9, 2012

Disclaimer: I am a terrifying sibling.

I may or may not post again today, but I should probably get this disclaimer out of the way first.

You will read a lot of stories about sisterly pranks I pulled on my siblings here. If you have spoken to my parents at all, they have most likely informed you that I was a well behaved, well adjusted respectful child. This is a bold faced lie, but they don't realize that. Only my siblings can truly tell you the awful things I am capable of thinking up and acting out. I was the dictator of the siblinghood, all obeyed me or suffered. Believe it or not, the suffering and obeying was split pretty 50/50 most of the time. Until my siblings grew up to gigantic versions of themselves, I ruled the land. Once they realized that they were all about a foot taller than me and several pounds heavier, the scales swiftly tilted in their favor, but you won't hear many stories about that, as I tend to block those sorts of unpleasants thoughts out of my brain forever.

Don't misunderstand me, however. I would like to think I am a fairly amazing sibling now. I try to be helpful and loving. I also try to make sure all my siblings know I love them to death, but this is mostly in part to the fact that the small demon living inside of me probably got tired of my small frame and moved elsewhere.

So there you have it. My disclaimer about how truly terrible I was as a child. Mum. Dad. Don't let this sway your opinion of me. I was still every bit as amazing as you have yourselves tricked into believing.

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