Monday, November 19, 2012

Soundbytes from the Weekend.

"We aren't playing bitey biterson right now, we are playing sleepy sleeperson."

"Oh look, your backseat. The place all my tupperware goes to die."

"Ian, I tangled your stupid paracord rope around my wrist and can't get it off."
"Hold on, I'll help you in a second."
"Good, but try to take it off all sexy like so I don't feel like such a moron."
"Okay, look. There really isn't a 'sexy' way to remove a rope that you've successfully tangled around your wrist, sorry. I'm just going to have to pull it off, and it might hurt."

"I can hear it now! 'Listen up boys, it's a fight for the finish! I don't care if you have to take a chainsaw to that egg to get in, you just get in!' Haha!"

"Ian, come look at my Ross budget proposal for 2013."
"You have a budget proposal? What just happened to calling it your budget plan? No wait. I like this better. It makes me feel important, like a senator or a president. Maybe a lawyer."
"My name is Ian Ross and I approve this budget."

"Introverts unite!"
" separate houses, maybe..."

"Can you bring a pie this Sunday?"
"Depends on how bad you want it."
"I don't want it. I just don't want to make it....what do you want?!"
"Your soul. Nom nom nom."

"I just don't think it's fair you own all the properties on that entire corner of the board plus the TARDIS/railroad. It's like you have a monopoly on that section."
"Well, they don't call the game Monopoly for no reason."

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