Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Turkey Day of the food and the giving of thanks!

I am not sure how busy I will be tomorrow because it is the day before Thanksgiving and the banks are closed for the holiday, so I might be slammed with faxes, phone calls, and cases, but I really don't want to leave you hanging. So here is my thanksgiving post.

I am thankful all year round, but Thanksgiving really reminds me how thankful I am for so many things.

My marriage: I am thankful that God had a man for me that was silly, fun, and a planner. Whereas I tend to dive into things headfirst, consequences be damned, Ian takes a step back and thinks "Where do I want to be a year/five years from now? How with this particular action affect that future? What are the pros/cons?" I will admit that there are times when I do not feel thankful for this because it really cuts back on my spontaneity, but they're few and far between. I love that I get to spend the rest of my life with this man and that he will make every effort to ensure his family is provided for at all times.

My furbabies: This year, Ian and I rescued both Doctor and Olive from starvation and watery death, respectively. I have had pets in the past, but this is the first time that they felt like our pets as opposed to my pets and I really think that made all the difference. They are so adorable, and though there are times when they drive me up the wall, I wouldn't trade them for all the cute baby animals in the world. They have their own little personalities that complement our own perfectly and I love the feeling of being needed and unconditionally loved. Also watching Ian with our cats has instilled me reassurance that he will be so great with children. If he can be so tender and loving, yet firm on obeying rules with CATS, he will do a kick butt job with our own little humans.

My family: I will say that there has been at least one time this year that every single one of my family members have made me want to scream until I was blue in the face and move somewhere that no one could reach me. I think when you know someone for as long as we've known each other, and when you're as close as our family is, it is impossible not to make each other mad at least once a year. There's just too much that we all know about each other, and such differing opinions on things that it's inevitable. But all that aside, at the end of the day, there is very little I wouldn't do for my family, and I hope that they feel the same.

My friends: I am truly blessed with great friends, whether they are new friends or very long term friends, I haven't found myself wanting for a listening ear when I need it. Especially my best friend, Deloris. She has heard more rants and sadness from me this year than even most of my family. Outside of Ian, she is my go to for any venting of any problems I have and again, outside of Ian, she is usually the first to hear any big news or happiness I have to express as well. I am pretty sure the only reason God made sure she was born to a different family was because I don't think my mum could handle us 24/7 from birth. As it was, she basically handled us 24/7 a good deal of our lives anyway, other with my other best friend Sarah. We were always up to shenanigans to make my mum turn grey.

My faith: I am not the type to punch you in the face with my religion, but I am also not afraid to tell you if I think you're missing out either. Because my God is so full of love and so ready to welcome you into his loving arms. I know I am using the word love a lot, but God and love are pretty synonymous in my book. I fell away in my late teens and early twenties, but I am so glad I came back. I am glad that through the reading of the word I realized that Church and individual people can claim to be messengers of God and can lead you astray with their two facedness. And I am also glad to have met good and godly people in our new church that are shining examples of God's love and not judmental bigots on a soapbox about how amazing their life is and curse curse curse the sinners! They actively want to reach new people and bring them to Christ. It's an actual desire of theirs, and you can tell the difference.

These are just a few things I am thankful for, the big things. My life is so well taken care of, between my husband's love and care, my best friends, my family and my God. I don't think there is a blog post long enough to encompass how thankful I am for the life God has given me. Even though there are trials and heartbreaks, I have always come back from all of them stronger.

Happy Thanksgiving, my dear readers.

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