Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Invtrovert: The Explanation of Me.


[n., adj. in-truh-vurt; v. in-truh-vurt] 
1. a shy person.
2. Psychology . a person characterized by concern primarily with his or her own thoughts and feelings (opposed to extrovert).

Most people wouldn't know it to see it, but I am actually an introvert. I covet my alone time. People exhaust me. Yes, I am still talkative and happy and bouncy around my family and friends, but I try to limit my people time to a minimum. Contrary to the above definition, I am not actually a shy person, but I don't really feel the need to meet new people or have them weigh in their opinion on something I am interested in either.
Friends of mine, please look back on our long history (or not so long, in some cases). Have there not been times when I don't come along with you to some event or party that you want to attend? Even when you beg? Have there been times when I have canceled on you? Or maybe there have been times when we have gone days, weeks, months without talking. There are exactly three of you (and you know who you are) who know that this is typical behavior for me. That I am not trying to be hateful, nor am I trying to ruin our friendship or pull back. I am just being me.

Things I like to do:
*Read a book
*Play with my kittens
*Go for a walk with one or two people I am close to
*Play a board game with my husband
*Hang out with my family
*Have dance parties by myself (yes, this is does happen)
*Take a long bath and read
*Read/learn about generational poverty (it's actually a very interesting topic!)

Things that stress me out:
*Big pushy crowds
*Loud, obnoxious people
*Parties where I don't know at least the majority of the people
*People who don't respect personal boundaries

I realized early into high school that being an introvert can also be harmful if you're not careful to make sure you socialize. I got really involved in youth group, I signed up for clubs, I went and hung out with my best friends. Potential employers like to see that you are not a loner, that you can interact well others, and I wasn't good at that at all. So yes, I do my have my loud, talkative moments, and yes I am very charismatic in the workplace. That's because I am a go-getter, and until I am a published author living off of my books, I need to have the best possible job I can. And yes, I do go home most evenings emotionally exhausted because being something I am not drains me.
The worst thing you can do is try and change me. I will resent you and pull further back, you will resent me pulling back and the relationship will crumble. There is nothing wrong with, I don't need to be "fixed." I just need to be understood and this post is coming from a place of frustration with people who don't understand why I prefer my own company or my husband's company to theirs. My priorities are not the same as others, and the sooner everyone can realize that and accept that, the better off and happier we will all be.
I've always liked the time before dawn because there's no one around to remind me who I'm supposed to be, so it easier to remember who I am.


  1. I think I am probably one of the three! And I think I am also like you in this way even if list people would never know. I like my alone time and I just generally hate people most of the time.

  2. This is Sarah by the way! I think this is connected to my tumblr.
